19 Stylish Infinite Scrolling Load More Post for Blogger

Infinite Scroll is not just latest trend but a best way to make visitor view posts of second page in current page itself. This hack simply includes the posts below the posts in same page.
This makes the visitor to view huge posts without switching the pages. Popular sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and many other sites use the same concept.
Muthu Kannan posted a very interesting article on. How to add infinite scrolling to Blogger blogs. He made it very simple. Such that one can easily add the Infinite Scrolling to their blogger just by adding few codes to the HTML widget of blogger. He has used one default simple style for the Load More Post link.
I created some 19 different styles that can make the Load More Post link more attractive.
Using the code is very simple.


Select your desired style from list of Styles defined below and click Get Code link and copy the code from the external link.

Step 2:

Goto Layout page. Click Add Gadget Select HTML/JavaScript then paste the code as content and Save.

Different Styles

Style 1Get Code

Load more posts

Style 2Get Code

Style 3Get Code

Style 4Get Code

Style 5Get Code

Style 6Get Code

Style 7Get Code

Style 8Get Code

Style 9Get Code

Style 10Get Code

Style 11Get Code

Style 12Get Code

Style 13Get Code

Style 14Get Code

Style 15Get Code

Style 16Get Code

Style 17Get Code

Style 18Get Code

Style 19Get Code


  1. Give me One For Your Metro Themplate

  2. You can use any of the style bro.
    I have even added the code for Metro Blogger Template in Template post itself.

  3. I guess you are using some javascript for auto readmore which interrupts the working of this code. Try alternate options of disable auto readmore
