WhatsApp now allows users to add description to their WhatsApp group. To change the group description. WhatsApp groups are created anonymously with different names and for different moto, but still people share irrelevant content in the group. Maybe adding a description may help members know the actual moto of the group
You can refer to the video below to know how to add group description, or scroll down to read the steps.
Step 1: Open the WhatsApp group to which you wish to add the description
Step 2: Select the option menu (the three dots icon) from top left, then select Group Info
Step 3: Select Add group description
Step 4: Type the group description and select Ok, you can even include emoticons in the description
Step 5: Select/click the back button to return to the group
Step 6: There you can see a notification that says You changed the group description. Tab to view selecting it will take you to the group info screen, where you can see the group description.
Each time the member opens the group info screen, He/She can see the group description.
You can refer to the video below to know how to add group description, or scroll down to read the steps.
Step 1: Open the WhatsApp group to which you wish to add the description
Step 2: Select the option menu (the three dots icon) from top left, then select Group Info
Step 3: Select Add group description
Step 4: Type the group description and select Ok, you can even include emoticons in the description
Step 5: Select/click the back button to return to the group
Step 6: There you can see a notification that says You changed the group description. Tab to view selecting it will take you to the group info screen, where you can see the group description.
Each time the member opens the group info screen, He/She can see the group description.
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